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QS EMBA Ranking : GEM in the TOP 50 worldwide

QS has recently released its program ranking for the 2022-2023 academic year. We are thrilled to share that amongst over 200 other programs worldwide, Grenoble Ecole de Management’s EMBA program is currently positioned at TOP 50 globally, 22nd in Europe, and 7th in France.

One of the key strengths of GEM’s EMBA lies in its commitment to diversity and multiculturalism within its courses. By evaluating the work experience and expertise of our EMBA participants, QS recognizes the Executive profile criteria of GEM’s EMBA as the 17th best in Europe.

These outstanding rankings are a testament to the exceptional quality of our courses and the caliber of our participants. We are dedicated to providing an optimal training experience that serves as a valuable asset to the careers of our program participants, and our international rank of 22nd and a European rank of 13th in career advancement indicator further validate our commitment.

Find the complete rankings: